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Vanessa Suarez


Vanessa is the Founder and Director of Strategy and Design for VCD Marketing. Her career started at a time when most people would have been focusing on earning their degree. But as with most first-generation college students, Vanessa was in uncharted territory—one where she needed to pay her own way. So, when continuing her education meant she’d have to dig herself into debt, she quickly switched gears and earned the necessary licenses to sell insurance in Florida.

That was the beginning of a successful, decade-long career with State Farm. After that, Vanessa took a position with the University of Miami. She used tuition remission to finish her degree while serving as the Director of the Citizens Board, a members-only organization of more than 250 business, professional and civic leaders who actively support the University’s philanthropic efforts and promote UM programs. During her 10 years at the University, she successfully grew and sharpened her skills in strategy, development, and partnership building. Vanessa also often partnered with UM's communications and marketing departments, developing and executing successful campaigns that yielded tangible fundraising results while honing her graphic design and marketing skills.

Vanessa earned her bachelor’s degree in communications and marketing in 2018, a hard-earned education that she leveraged throughout her career and continues to today as she serves VCD clients in reaching their marketing goals.
